The requirements of the brief were to provide a new respite and supported living care home to replace the existing building which was outdated and no longer suitable for the intended use.
The project was planned to improve efficiencies within the service provision by enabling on-site management and save on revenue costs. Concertus, along with the client, worked to a brief incorporating strict guidelines from NHS England who funded the project. The budget was time critical and subject to achieving milestones, including obtaining planning consent by the end of 2018 and making a start on site by the end of financial year 18/19.
Key Info
Ipswich, Suffolk
Demolition, New Build
Suffolk County Council – Adult and Community Services
End User:
Home Group
Project Value:
£1.8 million
Initially we were instructed to complete a feasibility study, support the funding bid, prepare information and submit a planning application.
The site posed several complexities such as being steeply sloping and experiencing a possible contamination which had to be investigated by a series of site investigations. It was also of interest to archaeologists due to being in the vicinity of a Bronze Age cremation site, as well as Roman and Iron Age finds. Following receipt of planning consent, we carried out the full design and project management through to completion. Our collaborative approach to project delivery included continued client and stakeholder engagement during design and construction phases of the project.
“Concertus have supported us through clear project management and ensured we met our deadlines and signed off each stage of the project when required. The design team have been engaged and responsive, listening and responding to our requirements and incorporating them into the design and bringing forward learning from other projects that we have been able to incorporate and use.”
Amanda Dunn, Adult and Community Services, Suffolk County Council
We worked closely with a number of statutory bodies and advisors including NHS England, occupational therapists, the local planning authority, building control, the fire service and acoustic engineers.
By meeting all of the client’s requirements and ensuring the building worked efficiently for everyone involved, completion successfully took place on time and within budget.