July 18, 2024

Concertus host Social Value Engagement session for Suffolk Framework

Suffolk Construction Framework Social Value Event

Yesterday (17.07.24), Concertus hosted a Social Value Engagement session with the contractors of the Suffolk Construction and Building Services Framework.

Our Commercial Director, Andy Bates, touched on Suffolk County Council’s priorities and the importance of delivering social value within the framework. Marketing and Communications Executive Lorelei Cruz discussed the relationship between social value and marketing. Lorelei also introduced a new tool that will be used for collaboration and efficiency when reporting social value, which allows project stories to be told in more detail.

Our Customer Relationship Manager, Sophie Lissauer, spoke about the KPI reporting, and how the Social Value Portal and TOMs (Themes, Outcomes and Measures) reporting will work in practice, sharing support and guidance, and the exciting upcoming initiatives. Finishing the session, Amber Welham, Bid Writer, highlighted the Marking and Evaluation Process, touching on Social Value questions and what we are looking for within the submissions.

Our guest speaker was Chris Wright from Suffolk County Council, Post-18 Lead for Suffolk Virtual Business and Project Manager for ‘The Family Business’. Chris spoke about the importance of providing care leavers with meaningful employment opportunities and how the Framework Partners could support this.”

All Framework partners are committed to supporting social value and recognise the additional benefits construction can bring to the communities in which they work, from physical jobs to raising young people’s aspirations or charitable contributions. We are excited to continue delivering these schemes across Suffolk and East England.